First, this is not so much about doing as it is opening your heart to seeing life through a different lens and processing challenges through spiritual discovery. Keep this in mind.
Things to “act” on to aid in having spiritual discovery happen are:
Do exactly what the handbook says to included reading suggested scriptures
Continue to pray and meditate in the am.
Journal whatever comes up in your spirit as a result of being in the Mind Body Spirit, sadness, happiness, frustration, new view on life, etc.
Ask yourself who am I as a woman of God?
Confront the reality of your truth – whatever your truth is – and journal about that.
Journal what you see newly as a result of being in the cleanse
Be open to seeing and acknowledging what God has manifested in your life as a result of your obedience.
Be deliberate in your action for results.
And specifically this week, identify your spiritual name and be ready to announce it to us on Monday.
That’s it. Enjoy the rest of your week.
TIP: It helps when we pray together on Mondays that you are in a quiet place wrapped in sacred shawl or light throw designed specifically for you and your prayer time.