I was spending time with my goddaughter, Madison, a 8 year old precocious little girl who has tenacity and perseverance like no other; who rarely finds defeat in anything. I wonder who taught her that. Her mother would say I might have something to do with it, but personally I think it’s in her genes […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Women account for just 5% of CEOs at Fortune 500 companies. You’ve probably heard or read that stat before. Although people have different theories about why more women don’t make it “to the top,” one woman argues it’s because women are smarter. “Women are smarter than men,” said Barbara Corcoran, who built a $70 million […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...To cleanse the body, you must move! 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 – What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God and you are not your own. These are words of affirmation that live within the biblical scriptures promoting a healthy body; […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Women account for just 5% of CEOs at Fortune 500 companies. You’ve probably heard or read that stat before. Although people have different theories about why more women don’t make it “to the top,” one woman argues it’s because women are smarter. “Women are smarter than men,” said Barbara Corcoran, who build a $70 million […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...I was spending time with my goddaughter, Madison, a 5 year old precocious little girl who has tenacity and perseverance like no other; who rarely finds defeat in anything. I wonder who taught her that. Her mother would say I might have something to do with it, but personally I think it’s in her genes […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Sorry. The word invades our everyday conversation. We say it without thinking. “Sorry, but can you repeat that?” “Oops, I’m sorry, forgot my bag.” “I’m sorry to interrupt, but can I steal John for a moment?” Why do we apologize all the time? And by “we,” I mean women. Studies show women apologize far more […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...In many parts of the world, women are powerless. They do not have the power to stop violence from happening to them, or the power to make changes in their communities. While we often discuss the ways in which we still have a lot of work to do for gender equality, we are lucky enough […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Women have made great strides in the last several decades, moving from the expectation of mother and wife to a place where she can (mostly) choose her roles in life. But what strides have men made? Yes, paternity leave is under discussion and may someday be as normal as maternity leave in workplaces. But men’s […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...This week we are looking at areas where we fake it. Here are a few questions to ponder: Is it worth it? Are you going to appease the person whom you admire or be who you are? Are you willing to face the fear of disappointing someone you love, care about or admire to be […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...From our Spiritual Boost Call this morning! 11-19-13 What is holding you back? Ever wonder why you are not receiving God best? Perhaps it is a stronghold; a faulty thinking pattern based on lies and deception. Deception is one of the primary weapons of the mind, because it is the building blocks for a […]
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